Help Us Test StressBuddy!

Beta Status: CLOSED

StressBuddy: Volume 1 is now live in the Play Store! Thank you to all of out beta testers.

We have StressBuddy built and ready to go. In order to publish our Android version to Google Play, we are required to have 20 testers opt-in to our closed 14 day testing round.

Here is how it works:

  1. Send us an email to let us know which email address we can add to our tester list. We will never spam you, it is just required by Google.
  2. We’ll respond to your email with a coupon code so you get the app for free.
  3. After being added to the list, you can click here to download the app (but you might want to wait for the coupon code so you can save a dollar)

After 14 days, Google might ask you for feedback. We’ll then be able to publish StressBuddy to Google Play!

StressBuddy is not a free app but by signing up for beta testing, we’ll make sure you always get StressBuddy for free.

Thank you!

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