Does StressBuddy Collect Data?

Apps and data collection can be scary. Especially when you’re using an app to help deal with stress, anxiety or boredom. Why would a tech company need to collect data about you in the first place?

The short answer is: StressBuddy never collects any data that reveals who you are. The most StressBuddy collects is which experiences are being used and for how long. This way we can know that Box Breathing is more popular than Galaxy Quest, for example.

Generally tech companies collect data for two basic reasons. To understand how the product is being used so that they can modify it accordingly and to sell data to advertisers or other companies. Thankfully, StressBuddy doesn’t work with advertisers because the app itself is ad-free. We also don’t really care who is using it, we just hope that whoever is using it finds it useful.

It is interesting to see what parts of the app are being used because the app does contain the hidden menu, as well as five different experiences.

If you really don’t want StressBuddy to collect your data, just use the app offline. Without an internet connection the data can’t be sent anyway. We’ll miss out on knowing which experiences are being used but honestly helping you with your stress and anxiety are a higher priority.

If you have an experience you absolutely love, please feel free to share it with your friends and family and on social media and all that so more and more people can find out about StressBuddy. That would be awesome.

Either way, thanks for giving StressBuddy a go.

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