Why the name StressBuddy?

What is a stress buddy?

We all get stressed, it’s just part of life. We can be stressed over a job or a relationship or some form of responsibility. It could be that we’re given a task that we don’t feel we’re able to accomplish or we feel trapped in a situation. It could be that we’re hyper-aware of events that are taking place in this world and we focus way more on the negative than the positive.

How great would it be if you had a buddy, a stress buddy, who could help you through those times? We’re not able to offer everyone an actual human friend, or buddy, to serve as their stress buddy. We’re also not the ones selling the stress buddy squishy toy, which you can find here. But we do recommend you finding both of those things: a human who can serve as your stress buddy, as well as something tangible you can hold in your hands.

How we named StressBuddy

The name really just came to us out of the blue. Granted we had worked on CBTBuddy before (which is now Reflective), but the idea of “what is something can help me when I’m stressed” had the simple answer of: a buddy.

If you’re stressed, the best thing you could do for yourself is put down your phone, go outside, spend some time journaling. Make sure you’re taking care of your health with diet, exercise and sleep. But realistically many of us are going to be on our phones and we’re going to want the glow of our screens.

StressBuddy is here to help you pass the time on your phone, hopefully in a way that let’s your mind wander. The hope is that by doing something that is mindless and satisfying, your brain will have more bandwidth to let the good thoughts overpower the bad thoughts.

Sorry you’re stressed, hope this helps.

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